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Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Am going to start the post today with my labor experience. Takut nanti terlupa pulak betapa seksanya nak melahirkan seorang zuriat ke dunia ni (and my mum delivered 4!!).
My due date was supposedly March 4, 2006, but the little angel has decided to come out early...Yela, dia kesian kut tengok Mummy dia sungguh tak larat nak carry dia lagi dah....Sampai nak jalan pun sakit (but I did walk a lot back then, right until it was time to deliver). Naik tangga 6 tingkat hari-hari lagi... (but that sure helped during labor-kalau tak lagi lah seksa kut?).
It was before Subuh of March 2nd, 2006. Sakit perut sangat, tapi never suspected it was time. About 8am that morning, the contraction started. I have always asked people (including Hubby), how does a contraction feel like? Normally the answer would always be the same, rasa macam nak berak (excuse the pun). But experiencing them contractions myself, believe me, NOTHING same at all compared to rasa nak berak tu... Sakitnya hanya Allah yang tahu. I hated them at that time (and I still do today, kut?) So I started timing the contractions; exactly 10 minutes once and lasted for about 5 minutes each. Eh, bila pulak contractions yang time dia tak kerap tu? Tak rasa pun tetiba terus contractions yang kerap punya? Start panik dah ni, so informed Hubby that I think it was about time. Hubby pun agak panik jugak so he quickly informed Nenek and Tok Mok (nenek sedara). So semua orang kelam kabut asked us to go to hospital. I called up Abah, and I thought that Abah will pick up Mak and come home to fetch Nenek and Tok Mok to the hospital. Wrong!! We were supposed to bring Nenek together to the hospital lah, since Nenek tu bidan kampung yang terlatih, in case something happen on the way. Tak terfikir pun masa tu. Only both of us went to the hospital at about 12 noon. Alhamdulillah nothing happened, cuma ada road block jer on the way- nasib baik tak panjang jem.
I was immediately examined by the midwife. Dilated about 4cm already. Was told that my gynae was on leave (how could you go on leave when in your record stated that your patient is about to deliver her baby?) Went into labor room at about 1pm and the agony began. Kat bilik sebelah dengar pulak ada orang lain tengah deliver her baby, packaged with screams and cries. Lagi lah seram. Hubby was on my side all the time. Abah and Mak tunggu kat luar- diorang tak sempat pun pickup Nenek and Tok Mok. Dah la tak breakfast/lunch pun...By the time I have dilated to 7cm, energy pun dah takde. Contractions were REALLY painful, and I puked all over the place once (Hubby said dia pun rasa nak muntah jugak tengok I puked).
Since my gynae was on leave, I have requested for another lady gynae to assist me with my delivery. Tunggu punya tunggu, dia tak jugak datang-datang (the on-call gynae was a guy). When we asked the staff nurse about the lady gynae, she said "Doktor belum habis klinik (outpatient) lagi. Saya dah panggil. Kejap lagi dia datanglah. Kalau sakit panggil saya ya?" Is outpatient clinic more important than someone who is about to deliver? You doctors out there care to explain?
The nurse tried to help me to push the baby out. Taught me how to push correctly- but by that time, I was too longlai already. Pushed with all my might, but the baby didn't seem to want to come out. Nurse cakap "Push kuat-kuat. Jangan malas. Sikit je lagi!" Hubby cheered me up- saying he could see the baby's hair already. Tried as I might, at last I gave up because I was beginning to get an asthma attack. Asked the nurse to immediately call for the on-call guy gynae. He came in no time at all, bringing with him the necessary equipment to 'help' me with the delivery. He assisted me using vacuum method. Failed at the first attempt- the instrument fell off my baby's head. I could actually feel the baby slide back inside- macam you sedut cincau pakai straw. Pastu tak berjaya, you let go of your lips from the straw. Cincau tu turun balik dari straw kan? Can you imagine how it felt? Macam tu lah rasanya during the failed first attempt. Hubby said the gynae increased the vacuum power to max. Second attempt, the baby's head and one arms came out. Episiotomy came next-banyak woo (as my hubby witnessed). By this time, I was semi-conscious already. I didn't push, I didn't open my eyes. I just let the gynae do what he needed to do. Suddenly I heard the gynae shout "Bagi kat mak dia!" and I felt something slimy being put on my tummy. Bukak mata tengok dah ada baby atas perut (bukan dalam perut lagi dah), terus I cried tears of joy. Alhamdulillah, at 5.15pm that day, Muhammad Daniel Hafiz bin Nurhazlan was safely brought to Earth, sihat dan cukup sifat. I was forced to inhale the gas, while the gynae stitched me up after asking Hubby to go out for wudhu' and azan to the baby. Chatted with the gynae while I was about to doze off because of the gas. Didn't dare to ask how many stitches were needed, but the process was sure very long! I could actually feel the needle being stitched into me when he was about to finish. Maybe bius dah habis kut sebab lama sangat! The nurse came back, saying my baby weighed 4kg!! "Oh, patutlah susah nak keluar. Besar rupanya!!" they said. Rasa macam nak baham kepala semua orang. Ingat I saja-saja tak nak push kuat-kuat nak keluarkan baby ke? I tried ok...tapi tak boleh!!! The gynae said I was lucky because the process went smoothly. If not, for that size, they would have to do a C-section already. Dah lah first-born pulak tu! I think he didn't manage to see my checkup records kut. That's why he didn't know that my baby was big. And he didn't know that I have asthma!! Alhamdulillah sangat nothing bad happened.
I was too excited to feel lethargic. I couldn't sleep right after the whole ordeal and I couldn't sleep throughout the night. The baby was put in the nursery right after birth. Malam baru dapat jumpa balik...Tu pun kejap je... Lepas tu hantar balik ke nursery. I didn't get to breastfeed him. The next day pun tak dapat breastfeed. We left the hospital at about 3pm that day, because both mummy and baby were fine. No jaundice whatsoever. Alhamdulillah. The new chapter has begun...


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