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Thursday, June 05, 2008

Update: Muhammad Daniel Hafiz at 27 months

A recent photo of Daniel with his Pak Su at Cameron Highlands. Kena terrible rashes, so that explains the tepung gomak look

Lama tak update pasal anak Mummy yang sorang nih:

1) Still coudn't speak comprehensibly although he babbles non-stop
2) Very active and couldn't stay still in one place long enough
3) Loves Play House Disney Channel so much, he often conquers the TV remote day and night. His favourites are Mickey, Noddy and Pocoyo. We can sing Noddy's theme song together, but he will say "Hayee" instead of Noddy and will do the sound "Po Po Po" for the horn sound while I say the rest of the words (yang ni mak-mak yang selalu tengok Noddy je yang tau hehe)
4) Loves "Ijen" to the max (that's Vitagen to you and me)
5) Also loves Kooooo Tak! (that's air kotak)
6) Can call everybody in the family perfectly now, EXCEPT for Mummy. He calls me NANI. Budak bertuah!
7) Loves TAYAR/TYRES so much. I don't know where this comes from
8) Always complain of irritation in his left eyes. "Dih! Dih!," (for pedih) he would always say. I have brought him for check up but the Dr couldn't find anything wrong with the eye
9) Can differentiate types of car based on the cars that we own. He would go Atuk car, Nani car or Acu car when he sees similar types of cars on the road
10) His toys are filling up the house bit by bit
11) Is getting more comfortable with other people besides family members. He used to be TERRIFIED by non-family members
12) Weighs more than 12.5kg and stands up to 89cm
13) Sleeps very late everyday. Normally past midnight
14) Very MANJA (especially with his Atuk) and can be very stubborn at times
15) Knows how to demand something, but if we refuse, he wouldn't go ballistic. That's a good boy!
16) We have travelled far (just the 2 of us) i.e flights to meet Ayah, and recently driving down south to JB. So far, he has been a great companion and a hassle free travelling mate
17) Doesn't really favor swimming pools and such, but loves park a.k.a playground (tapi takut jugak nak main sebenarnya)
18) Says "Ta ciu" for "Thank you" and "Bai, ciyu cun" for "Bye! See you soon!"
19) Can count from one to ten but will surely avoid to say one and seven. Don't know why?
One = ??
Two = Two
Three = Ti
Four = Pour
Five = Pai
Six = Cik
Seven = ??
Eight = Eat
Nine = Nine
Ten = Ten
20) Can hum and sing bits of songs from the radio. Usually only the last word of the sentence but will head bang and dance at the same time
21) Loves balls and toy cars so much
22) Says 'pee' for plane

Dah tak ingat lagi list yang lain. Yang penting, I couldn't imagine my life without him. Mummy loves you SOOOOO MUCH!



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