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Saturday, January 24, 2009

How come?

I was bloghopping last night when I came across a blog by a girl that I do not know, whom was thrashing ex-MCKKians and ex-TKCians heartlessly in some of her posts. Hmmm.. I was fascinated by the fact that she 'pukul rata' that all 'budak Koleq' only want to date/marry TKCians, and all TKCians are arrogant, snobs and b*tches. And, she claimed that she was offered a place to go to TKC at some point, but she rejected the offer and thankful because she didn't join.

I was quite insulted, but these claims had been a part of us girls ever since we were in TKC. So, nothing new lah. We often got boo-ed and 'ong-ong, kedek kedek'ed during PPM debates, band competition, weekend outings in town etc etc by those boys residential schools kids (need not name any names here, you girls knew it kan?), but in the end, we were all whom they sought after for aweks/wives, especially during our senior years there and there after. Ironic? You bet!

But that's beside the point. The generalizing of 'all budak Koleq want to date/marry TKCIans' bit that I didn't quite get. During the old, old days, maybe yes. But in present days? I think hardly! I know that F*gette, and T*ntan (and maybe a few others) married Koleqian husbands, and I myself once dated a Koleqian (there you go! rahsia sudah bukak..hehe..), but that is not ALL at all! hehe...I remember way back then, when we were more interested in RMC and STAR boys rather than MCKK boys...hua hua hua! So, should the actual fact become 'all BOYS want to date/marry TKCians?' kwang kwang kwang....
*I am being cynical here, should any of you readers misunderstand this as being a snob, ok? hehe..*

And this blogger hated the fact that Koleqians and TKCians were very proud of their upbringing by the schools, and formed strong bonds even after they came out from schools. What's wrong with that? I bet if she had accepted her so-called offer from TKC, she would have been proud too! And, for a matter of fact, had she been studying in any boarding schools for 5 years, and that was during the most crucial time of your growing up phase- the time when your personalities were being shaped for the rest of your lives, and you depended on your friends so much during that time, she would have the same result!

Sudah-sudah la tu mengata/mengutuk orang...

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At 6:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

JEALOUSY... itu saja yg boleh aku katakan....

At 8:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha ada lagi ke org nak kutuk2 sekolah at our age ni?

mesti blog budak2 :)

At 9:30 AM, Blogger AppleCrux said...

ya lah..jealous haa?? kuang3x..aku pun x kawin budak koleq daaa...

At 1:18 PM, Blogger hani said...

yeah girls...i also couldn't believe that so called 'adults' masih lagi ada this kind of attitude nak kutuk2 org based on where they got their education...not very well-educated kut? hehe...

At 3:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

alahaiiii... bukan at this age kita dah seakan2 lupa ke sekolah mana dulu? hehehe...

At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

momster...bukan je seakan2 lupa. kdg2 seakan2 tak mengaku dari sekolah mana :B

At 5:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

zezz... muahahahahaha.. betullah!


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