Muhammad Daniel Hafiz bin Nurhazlan is 19 months old today
How time flies..And how small has he become..I seriously think he is underweight compared to the size and weight that he was born in..He simply refuses to eat despite being very active and always sleeping late at night. I am quite concerned about this..Must consult his paed immediately.
Anyway, today I attempted to bake Hari Raya cookies using the microwave oven for the first time. Had to use the microwave oven since we do not have the conventional one here in the temporary place that we are staying in now. Had to surf through the net to ind the time and temperature conversion from the conventional oven recipe to suit microwave cookies baking. Terpaksa try and error @ belasah je lah. Of course Mum helped me a lot with the preparation since she is on leave today. It turned out quite good (and tasty, too) hehe...So, siapa nak rasa, marilah datang rumah Raya nanti ok?
And we have decided that we are not going to send baby to the babysitter's house anymore. Well, hopefully I can manage him while doing the business lah. Since I am home most of the time, and just go out when the needs arise, it is just not worth it to send him to the babysitter's house. Eversince I stopped working, we have never sent him for a complete one month cycle, but we still paid the fees in full.
Furthermore, I am still unsure whether I will still be here by the middle of the month. Might be following Hubby to his new location immediately after Hari Raya or a bit later. I don't know. Still undecided and since we don't know the condition of the new place yet, we still cannot plan properly. Anyhow, hoping for the best.
On the business front, things are looking good and enquiries kept pouring in, resulting in me finding it a bit hard to handle everything. Takpelah, bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian, kan? I'm just hoping that the money will come in soon!
Labels: Random thoughts
selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin.
Selamat Hari Raya Zizie! Maaf Zahir Bation and hope you had a blast with the ketupat and all!
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