Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

4 years...

....of mixed emotions, ups and downs, fights and make-ups, laughters and tears..

We celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary earlier this month. Well, not really celebrating in style or whatever, just us commemorating the years that we have spent together (bearing in mind also that we were apart for more than 2 years...hehe....)

Four years might be short or might be long, depending on our own perspectives. Sometimes we felt that it was only yesterday that we cut our wedding cakes and all, and sometimes it felt like ages ago (especially when we were having fights...hehe).

We might think that four years are quite a long period to know your spouses inside out. But for us, we are still in the learning process. We learn something new about the other half every other day. And we are still in the process of adapting to each other. So, to me, if some couples in love claimed that they knew each other inside out, they are soul mates yadda..yadda before they get married, boy, I think they have to really re-evaluate their notions...hehe...

Some times I do feel that my husband really knows me. Heck, he even knew when I was about to be visited by THAT friend every other month a few days beforehand. Even I didn't keep track. I guess it must have been the changing of behaviour and mood swings...hehe....

I also have a lot to cope in the food and drinks department, i.e what he likes and dislikes, how he likes his food to be cooked and drinks to be made etc. Like the other day, I just found out that he also loves to eat cili potong with hirisan bawang besar in kicap...just like I do. And after four years? Even I was amazed...hehe...

Anyway, here's hoping for more years happily together (boy I just hate it when we fight..and YES...we do fight A LOT!!!!) Maybe because I am hot headed and I do like to stand up for my thoughts (which could be so annoying to him..biasalah ego lelaki kan?)

But I am more mellow now (dah tua maaa...) so I know better when to speak or shut up, and I know when would be the right moments to bring some things up for discussion. And I think we are a lot better now.

So, Happy Anniversary darling (albeit a little late) and I hope we will continue to grow our love, commitment and understanding towards each other... May we improve ourselves and our bad habits to better accommodate each other so that we can lead a peaceful and meaningful live together...And may Allah bestow upon us all His blessings until the end of time...Ameen...


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